CPA Firm Offerings
The faculty of the Succession Institute (SI) spend a great deal of their consulting time working with CPA firms as it is one of their three specialties. As you can see from the the papers and published materials available under the Knowledge Center menu on this website after you register, SI is quite familiar with the Accounting Profession.
Common areas for consulting include:
- Strategic planning and succession planning and implementation
- Establishing and monitoring changing governance models
- Helping separate partners who no longer share the vision of the rest of the firm
- Assisting in the acquisitions and/or merger process
- Restructuring partner and employee compensation based on pay for performance
- Determining fair partner retirement benefits
- Creating policies and procedures to drive the firm, from managing retiring partners, to day-to-day management, to book-of-business issues, etc.
- Developing roles and responsibilities to support partner accountability
- Restructuring ownership and equity allocations
- Helping assess and develop the skills and competencies of personnel using proprietary, 360-degree assessment tools we’ve developed for CPAs
- Providing internal management, advisory and leadership training focused on what CPAs in public practice need
- These are just a few of the common issues we deal with when working with CPA firms. We not only work in the trenches with CPA firms helping them resolve and implement solutions to these issues, but we have written a great deal on these subjects as well. Besides the various articles and papers you can download from this website, we’ve written the following books for the profession, published by the AICPA:
- Securing the Future: Building a Succession Plan for your Firm
- Securing the Future: Taking Succession to the Next Level
- Becoming A Trusted Business Advisor: How to Add Value, Improve Client Loyalty, and Increase Profits
These books can be purchased at our Store. In addition, we are the developers for PCPS’s Succession Resource Center and the PCPS Trusted Business Advisor Resource Center.
You can get a closer look at our CPA firm offerings by clicking on the items that are displayed when you roll over Services/CPA Firm Services in the menu bar above. These offerings also are listed below:
- One Firm Concept
- Superstar to Operator Model (Eat What You Kill to Building a Village)
- CPA Retreat Facilitation
- CPA Strategic Planning
- CPA Succession Planning
- CPA Operations
- CPA Marketing
- CPA Technology Strategy
- CPA Resolving Ownership Conflicts
- CPA Personnel/Staff Development
- CPA Performance-Based Pay
- CPA Communication
We hope you enjoy reviewing the information on our website and we look forward to hearing from you.